We also booked a great gig with Chris Medina! He's famous from American Idol, and is a truly terrific singer. His single "What are words" tell's about his wife who went trough a car crash. The doctors didn't believe she'd survive, but Chris kept believing that she'd come out ok, sleeping every night by her side at the hospital. After staying in a coma for one and a half month she made it trough, although with serious brain damage. The song about keeping promises, and the true impact of words. It's such a touching story!
Also the gig is at The Circus in Helsinki, which because of it's name has been on my list of "must do's" since the founding of this band =DD So many reasons to be there!! Buy the tickets from here: HERE
Chris video:
Tomorrow we'll be playing unplugged at ASK Band night @ COR-Huset in Arabia, Helsinki. It's age limited, and 2€ in for students! What a bargain!!! BARGAIN = Showtime 'round 21:15 =
Songwriting is not always easy, so Olli tried banging some ideas into my head today. Got what he deserved! >:D
Were renewing much our visual stuff in the near future, whatever that means, you'll see. Keep your eyes open!
I'm not sure that the person I'm about to thank will read this, but in case she ever does, I want to make clear how much we appreciated all her tips and wisdoms. Thank you Márta for foreseeing nearly everything there has been to foresee in the music business so far. I think it's been very helpful.
This was a very sentimental blogpost indeed, so I'll end it with the sentiment it requires.
Goodnight folks! Keep yourself warm, drink good tea and love each other. See you in a week!
//Paul <3