I'm way to too tired to write anything smart today. Right now I'm listening to Vampire Weekends new album which was recently released on Spotify and wondering what today s theme could be. We've had a great week with the Elämän Kevät gig in Hartwall Areena and Stafettkarnevalen in the Olympic Stadium. It's been so much fun and the best thing is probably all the new fans we've met! Thank you for your amazing support <3!
Summer is now here, for real. I don't even need my iPod anymore! There's loads of nightingales around where I live and it's probably the best sound in the world I know, especially since they sing mostly at night when you're stumbling home.
Instead of writing too much today I'm just going to post photos you popsters have put up! However, first I want to remind you of the competition that we have!

So basically you're just supposed to be creative and make a picture with the name EMMA in it and tag it with #scEMMA on Instagram. We'll start posting the submitted pictures soon so hopefully you end up on our wall :)
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here's a great example made with nailpolish by @annukata |
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hartwall @rrosamariaa |
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kamppi @siljasaari |
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stafettkarnevalen @belijou |
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EMMA @jexyjonas ('dem mouths) |
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the monkeys at Hartwall by Tiia Santavirta |
We got some great footage when we put the GoPro camera on Paul's bass' headstock! We need to find even more crazier places to put these little wonder machines! We also have a head strap so we could mount it ON one of us but I guess it'd look a bit too dorky :D
So you might wonder what we're up to this week! Tomorrow we're having a meeting at Sony and right after that I'm going to the studio to sing. We'll be spending quite much time in the studio trying to finish up the album, but everything takes longer than expected when you strive for perfection :) Now I thought I could tell you when we have the next gig, but I actually have no idea n_n' You'd better ask someone else!
I'm right on time 23:59!
Take care dear popsters and stay classy!
-krippe ~~~ヾ(^∇^)'ー♪ ♥
hyvää viikkoo ja tsemii studioon ja kaikkiin miitingeihin :)