What a Beautiful Monday! Just 'cause it's dark and cold here in Finland doesn't mean you can't make the most out of it. My suggestion is you lift your gluteus maximus, crawl trough the mounds of snow surrounding you, and come to our gig at the Close Encounters Helsinki - St. Petersburg Festival! I guarantee you a spectacle unseen on any previous Satin Circus gig. What I also guarantee you is a feeling of sincere happiness, childish lightness and total fun! I mean, I swear its already spring outside when you leave the concert hall!! In fact, I promise we are gonna phone our "soon to be - newly elected president of Finland, Pekka Haavisto" to change the name of this country to "Funland"!!!
Our lovely "warm-up act" Samatha Shultz is totally mesmerizing! Shipped all the way from North-America with her folk guitar. And! Close Encounters is a big festival so why not check out what else there is to it!
We have recorded an epic radio-ad for the festival that features a short sample of our song "What Do You Say"! Keep your ears open on Metro FM (95,2 FM in Helsinki). I'm not speaking in the ad, which is a shame. But I only have myself to blame, sleeping late that morning! =(
Those who have been on our two last gigs might have fallen victim for one of our most catchy songs! You've constantly found yourselves humming that melody, not really knowing where it's from…yeah? But, now its here! It's to 100% our own product, and thanks to Olli for putting so much love and care to the mix! =D
"Own the World Tonight"
And about your last post Krippe…fail! It was me who started with the abbreviations. =-/ Not that Smoothie Sipping Snob.
I just love the colors of your blog and your jeans and the great atmosphere altogether on this page!! :) I've only just today heard for the first time some of your songs and I really liked and ejoyed them! I'm trying my best to come and see your show on Monday, hopefully it'll work out (I don't come from Helsinki so it's a bit tricky sometimes, but I'll do my best :))
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend you all! You're doing a great job, I wish all the best to you and your band! :)
Hugs, Heini
(Greetings from my alter ego, the green Helsinki-maskotti "Helppi" to the Lottopalloboys ;D)
AND I forgot to say - my absolute favourite of your songs so far (have been listening now to about 5 of your songs) is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CywxrQNn2Y0 I JUST FELL IN LOVE WITH IT <3 Are you going to perfom it on Monday? Pleaaase, it's so great, I can promise you all the girls will love it!! :) Just crazy about the melody, the piano, the sello, the "helistin" (don't know the word for it) and the lovely voice of the vocalist :) Coooool!!
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks!!! we will definately play that song, so you'd better come! :) -Axel