Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hehe today it's time for me to finally break the ice! Yeah, so last post was pretty fun with thursday's amazing recording session. But what also happened was that Axel threw an amazing Pre-Christmas Penthouse Party (i.e.. a P.P.P.) on saturday!! Cool people and good snacks indeed, but the coolnessfactor simply smashed through the roof when we introduced: Acoustique Band de Cirque Satin (i.e.. A.B.C.s.) or more commonly simply our songs played on acoustic instruments!

Our setup features me on my beautiful upright bass, Axel on his Steinway Baby Grand (no kiddn'), Krippe on acoustic guitar and satinsmooth voice and Social Joe on any groovy items he could find... but mainly a pizza cardboard tho... It was so exciting to play in this intimate setup. As even big stars say, the hardest thing is to perform in front of all your nearest and dearest! We've made some new arrangements for this setup, and who knows if we soon will end up playing gigs with this thing! 

What will follow next is not for the lighthearted, and at least not the high frequenced.
This is Paul's Gear Amazingness (i.e. P.G.A.) 

In this first episode we'll take a look at my brand new amplifier! Its as Ampeg PF- 500. And its a bass players dream! Check this out:

You can actually flip the head inside the cabinet for transportation! Oh, and it growls some tight bass frequencies with its 500 watts of doom.

Well, that was last saturday, and last week we were on a few amazing gigs… news of which will follow! 

See you. 
// Paul <3

1 comment:

  1. your acoustic performance was goddamn fantastic! was too way too hard to not sing along too loudly!!
