Hi there!
I'm sitting in our hotelroom as we speak (I write). The other's are at the gym but I couldn't make it because I had to go and buy new rubber thingies for my in-ear headphones. Get this, I only need one tiny pathetic piece of rubber but I'm forced to buy a whole new pack of headphones -.-'. I misplaced my (expensive) Shure In-Ear Monitors that I usually gig with on the Baltic Princess :( Now I have to use my normal ones and I was a bit nervous before the soundcheck in Bergen because I didn't know how well they would work. Well, they turned out fine but after that gig the tip of the right earphone somehow dissapeared. So now after my shopping trip in Stavanger I'm stuck with an extra pair of the cheapest headphones only for the sake of a piece of rubber! But at least I'm all set for tomorrow :)

Being on the road has been awesome! A lot of flying and super long days but it's all worth it. I taught my favourite card game Heathbridge to Paul and Axel I'm looking forward to play some more with them! Today we also went bowling which was fun! We usually hold Satin Circus Championships and so far I've won both of them! So now I'm not only a kartingmaster but also a bowlingmaster! And all this despite the fact that Pauls distant relative is a world champion in bowling!
The boats dry air and the multiple gigs had taken it's toll on my throat but slowly but surely I'm making some progress towards recovery! A huge thanks goes out to Fredi and Isac who let me borrow some of their high-end vocal nurturing accessories. There's a humidifying bong-looking can which through I inhale eucalyptus vapor! It feels really good to get some warm steam going through the breathing system. I also sprayed the honey of a queen bee as deep in my throath as I could get it. Kind of tickled but it soothed my throath effectively! And you can never go wrong with a warm cup of water with lemon and honey.
Tomorrow we're playing our second show in Stavanger and the concert hall is brand new! It looked amazing! Speaking of amazing, I really wanna go have an other look at the city before we leave so I'll better get going before it get's dark! If you're wondering about us, we are all doing really fine and enjoying this journey to the fullest. Thank you for making this possible for us! <3
take care guys